Mourning sites

Scatter site

It is a maintained lawn in an approximate size of 30 × 30 m. Site includes tables on which flowers may be placed. The scattering of the ashes of the deceased is carried out by a funeral service employee.

Pouring site

These sites are special burial places set in the graveyard. A funeral service representative drills or dugs pit into the soil and pours in the ashes of the deceased.

Funeral ceremonies take place both with the participation of the family and without attendance.

The Charon® funeral service is available 24 hours a day, on weekdays, weekends and public holidays. Contact us whenever you need our services. Our trained staff will arrange dignifying funeral for your loved one, where you may say proper farewell.
All the information respects the amendment to the Czech Funeral Act No. 193/2017 Coll., which is in force since the 1 September 2017.