Should I bring something to a funeral?

It is customary for the survivors to bring flowers to the funeral. Their number, regardless of quantity, should always be even. Both wreaths and bouquets are usually decorated with funeral ribbon. Text on ribbons expresses respect for the deceased and often refers to flower donor. Traditionally, every funeral guest will bring a single flower in hand to the funeral. Also, their number should always be even.

The colour of flowers itself has its symbolism. White flowers express innocence, respect, and humility, and are usually given to young, single people. The yellow colour represents friendship and a new beginning. Pink flowers symbolize youth, beauty and innocence. Finally, the red flowers express energy, passion, love and courage.

The Charon® funeral service is available 24 hours a day, on weekdays, weekends and public holidays. Contact us whenever you need our services. Our trained staff will arrange dignifying funeral for your loved one, where you may say proper farewell.
All the information respects the amendment to the Czech Funeral Act No. 193/2017 Coll., which is in force since the 1 September 2017.